At Great Care Dental, we believe in minimally invasive treatment plans. That's why we make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. But if an extraction is needed to secure our patient's overall health, we do our best to keep the patients comfortable and the procedure virtually painless.
+ Do I need an extraction?
Nobody enjoys having their teeth pulled. However, extractions are necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable, when there is advanced periodontal disease, or if the tooth is ingrown. Depending on each patient's situation, a dental implant may be recommended.
+ Why do I need to take out my wisdom teeth?
When your wisdom teeth are well-positioned and healthy, they are very important. But if they’re too big for your jaw size, if they emerge from the jaw crooked or if they’re impacted and don’t come down through the gum, there can be serious problems, ranging from the disruption of nearby teeth to the formation of cysts under the gum.